Building Shops

When roleplaying the shopping experience, having a list of all known item is useful, but it rarely represents the items available for sale. For these cases you can build shops in books that have a limited set of items.


Start by creating a section in a book with some text describing the shop. Click the menu button and select the pick content menu to select the items.

Change the content type to Items and select the items. Make sure to select the “Show as List” option.

The book will now display the selected set of items.

Using Shopping List

The option to shop or add to treasure with the list only appear when viewing inside of a campaign. When the gamemaster views the item list in the book, the gamemaster can use that list to select treasure to directly add to shared treasure. This can be handy when there isn’t a fixed list of treasure to give to players but you don’t want the gamemaster to try to pick from the full list of items.

To allow players to shop share the section as a handout. Click the section and select “Show Section as Handout”.

The section will now display as a handout with a SHOP button that players can use to show from the restricted list of items.

See the buying equipment learning article for more information on shopping for equipment.

Other Uses

  • In some cases there are a set of places that players should be able to frequent to make purchases. Rather than sharing the shopping lists each time. The shop could be added to the journal so that it is easy for players to return when convenient.

  • When creating characters of more advanced levels, gamemasters may want to allow players to pick from a limited set of magical weapons in order to make the characters both more interesting and appropriately powerful for their level. A starting shopping list can be created with instructions on how many to select for the starting characters.

  • There may be cases where treasure for an encounter or completion of an adventure wants to be more variable allowing selection from a bigger list. Creators can use shopping lists to either make it easy for gamemasters to grant treasure or allow players to select on their own.


Buying Equipment


Removing Equipment